About Us

Who We Are

We are an officially recognized USDA Forest Service Employee Resource Group who believes that inclusivity & diversity are an asset and sources of strength for our Agency. 

Our identities provide national and global perspectives on land, natural resources, civil rights, and workforce management and allow us to honor the motto of our Agency in "Caring for the Land and Serving People."  

We honor the achievements and contributions of 

Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) 

who have served in the Agency, 

strive for common ground, proactively address opportunities and resolution, and  promote inclusive engagement and collaboration among Forest Service employees, Agency leadership, and our AANHPI public. 

Through our actions we can 

contribute in bridging social and cultural differences

& demonstrate our values 

through our accomplishments.

Our History

APAEA was established in 1993 by USDA Forest Service Chief, Dale Robertson, as an officially-recognized employee group within the Agency.  

APAEA started as a grassroots effort in California and grew to include employees across the Regions, Research Stations, State & Private Areas and the Washington Office (WO). Six Chairs have served APAEA, beginning with Corey Wong (Region 2), Liz Agpaoa (Region 8), Dale Hom (Region 6), Mary Marrs (Region 6), Yewah Lau (Region 3), Liz Berger (WO), Chinling Chen (Region 5), and currently Irvin Fox-Fernandez (WO).  

Throughout the years, the Chairs served with the assistance of an Executive Committee, Advisory Group, members throughout the Agency, and APAEA champion Jerry Sesco (WO Research and Development).  Deputy Chief of National Forest System, Leslie Weldon, now advises APAEA at the national executive level.

Some accomplishments include:


Constitution & Bylaws

If the APAEA Consitution and Bylaws are not displaying for you, click here.

A special “Thank-You” is in order to the APAEA task group who helped draft the APAEA Constitution & Bylaws in February 2011. Their insightfulness, keen sense of logic, and patience helped finalize the version that was accepted by USDA. APAEA also thanks those who provided feedback and review of the early versions.Cliff Alagar (Region 6), Bov Eav (PNW Research Station), John Kusano (WO Research & Development), Judy Suing (Region 4), Wes Wong (Region 6), Mary Marrs (Region 6).